Unit 1 Sources
Required Readings
- Kwame Anthony Appiah, The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity, pp. 3-32.
- Julie Beck, “Story of My Life: How Narrative Creates Personality,” in The Atlantic 10 August 2015
- Susan Faludi, In the Darkroom pp. 49-50
- Erving Goffman, excerpts from “Performances,” in Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959)
- Steph Lawler, “Introduction: Identity as a Question,” pages 1-15, in Identity
- Steph Lawler, excerpt from “Masquerading as Ourselves: Self-Impersonation and Social Life,” in Identity
- Dan P. McAdams, "Identity and the Life Story" 187-190
Optional Readings
- Kwame Anthony Appiah, “People Don’t Vote for What They Want. They Vote for Who They Are.” Washington Post
- Kwame Anthony Appiah, “Can We Choose Our Own Identity?” Guardian
- Kwame Anthony Appiah, “Why Identity Is a Lie We Can’t Live Without,” interview with Sean Illing,Vox 2 November 2018
- Roy Baumeister and Mark Muraven, “Identity as adaptation to social, cultural, and historical context”
- Andrew Solomon, excerpt from Far from the Tree
- Carl Wilson, excerpt from Let’s Talk About Love: Why Other People Have Such Bad Taste